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"The Fit Makers" – The vitamin 1x1

With these minerals and nutrients, the new year runs effortlessly
Sliced orange, lemon and lime

Certainly, vitamins constitute the essential foundation for a healthy and vibrant life in our bodies. They significantly impact our well-being and contribute to our physical performance and fitness. The proper selection of vitamin-rich foods or dietary supplements varies from person to person and depends on individual physical activity levels.

At the beginning of the year, we would like to take a closer look at this topic and prioritize our health. Our Vitamin 1 x 1 is designed to support a healthy start to the new year and ensure that we can make the most of our bodies for the hiking year 2024, feel good, and have plenty of energy. In our small vitamin lexicon, we reveal which vitamins and minerals are essential and what they mean for our body and immune system.

Sliced orange, lemon and lime

Vitamin-packed reboot

The beginning of the year is the ideal time to establish healthy habits and embark on a journey towards more well-being, energy, and vitality. It's no secret that a conscious lifestyle, regular exercise, and mental well-being are integral to achieving this sense of wellness. Nevertheless, with increased physical activity, it's essential to take a closer look at the nutrients and vitamins our body needs. This applies whether you are a moderate walker, mountain enthusiast, or trekking fan because each body requires individually different vitamins.

In this post, we will take a look at the essential nutrients, introduce particularly vitamin-rich foods, and clarify their significance for our bodies. Practical tips will assist in quickly and easily integrating these into your daily meal plan, and we'll reveal how to turn simple dishes into true vitamin powerhouses. However, it's important to note that to determine your individual and precise requirements for vitamins and dietary supplements, it is advisable to consult with GP or your primary care physician and tailor them to the specific needs of your body.

Vitamin A, B and C: The fundamentals

In order to support our body, especially our immune system, in its functions, several essential vitamins and minerals are required. Many of these can be wonderfully obtained through nutrition, while some are supplied through supplements and dietary additives. Vitamins are organic compounds that our body needs in small amounts for metabolism.

They are classified into fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K), which are stored in our liver or fat tissue and cannot be easily eliminated in case of excess intake, and water-soluble vitamins (B, C), which are excreted more rapidly through urine. We will now introduce vitamin A, the B vitamins and vitamin C, give examples of vitamin-rich foods and what these vitamins are used for.

Vitamin A

Tasks in the body:

important for mucous membranes and skin, protective shield against pathogens

Vitamin A sources:

Carrots, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, kale, spinach, mangoes, broccoli, honeydew melon, celery, green and leafy vegetables

Lemons, oranges, cabbage sprouts, spinach, broccoli, nuts, ginger, paprika, blood orange, sweet potato, turmeric, pomegranate


There are a total of eight different B vitamins that ensure that our body functions properly. General tasks in the body:

  • Vitamin B1 supports heart function and contributes to the functioning of the energy metabolism
  • Vitamin B2 contributes to the conversion of fats, proteins and carbohydrates into nutrients
  • Vitamin B3 is important for our skin and mucous membranes
  • Vitamin B5 is important for hormone balance and energy metabolism
  • Vitamin B6 is essential for our carbohydrate and protein metabolism, as well as for the formation of the body's own vitamin B3
  • Vitamin B7 is involved in energy metabolism and the breakdown of fatty acids and amino acids and is important for cell division
  • Vitamin B9 is important for cell division, the immune system and mental function
  • Vitamin B12 is important for the metabolic processes that contribute to cell division


B-vitamin sources: Lettuce, sunflower seeds, lentils, chicken, oysters, sesame seeds, kale, mackerel, bananas, avocados

Avocados on a tree in Mallorca

Vitamin C

Functions in the body:

Boosting immune defenses, protecting against oxidative stress, supporting the formation of blood cells, strengthening the structure of connective tissue, and playing a crucial role in the health of our teeth and bones.

Sources of vitamin C:

Kiwis, oranges, strawberries, spinach, broccoli, peppers, celery, kale, blackcurrants, fennel, garden cress, sea buckthorn, parsley, citrus fruits, rose hips

Slice of lemon in the water

Vitamin D: The sunshine vitamin

In general, our body can produce Vitamin D in the skin through exposure to sunlight. However, in our latitudes, a deficiency of the sunshine vitamin D3 is not uncommon due to the reduced hours of sunlight. Even those engaged in significant physical activity should consider their personal Vitamin D3 needs. Not only does it play a crucial role in physical performance and muscle coordination, but it also strengthens the immune system and fortifies our bones. To enhance its usability in the body, Vitamin D3 is often taken in combination with K2. In general, we can absorb about 10 to 20 percent of our Vitamin D through our diet. Ideal sources include fatty fish such as salmon, herring, sardines, tuna, or mackerel, as well as mushrooms, avocados, cod liver oil, and eggs. However, the Vitamin D content in these foods may not be sufficient, which is why taking a supplement, after consulting with a doctor, is recommended.

Soak up the sun while hiking

Magnesium: the all-rounder mineral

Those who engage in frequent and intense physical activity have an increased demand for both calories and vitamins and nutrients. While this demand can be partially met through nutrition, it is also acceptable and sometimes recommended to supplement it with dietary supplements. However, what should you do if you experience muscle cramps, fatigue, and reduced performance? This could indicate a magnesium deficiency.

Magnesium is among the electrolytes that we lose through sweating. It is one of the most important and well-known nutrients associated with sports and physical activity. No wonder, as magnesium is a true all-rounder for our muscles, nerves, bones, and heart.

  • For adults aged 25 and over, the German Nutrition Society (DGE) recommends taking 300 - 350 mg of magnesium per day.
  • Magnesium rich foods include: Peas, beans, whole grain products made from oats, rye or buckwheat, seeds, nuts, green vegetables and dried fruit.

Proteins: The basis of all life processes

Proteins, or sources of protein, are particularly important for our body and form the foundation of all vital processes within the body. Furthermore, they form the basis for our genetics and provide amino acids, which make up our tissues, cells, antibodies for immune defense, and hormones. There are a total of nine amino acids, also referred to as proteins. Foods that contain all nine of these amino acids are called complete proteins. Examples of such foods, some of which are also vegan or vegetarian, include:

  • Meat (chicken, beef, pork)
  • Milk and dairy products such as yogurt and cheese
  • Fish
  • Tofu
  • Eggs
  • Quinoa
  • Buckwheat
  • Seeds such as chia seeds or hemp seeds

Other plant-based sources of protein that can be wonderfully combined include lentils, pumpkin seeds, almonds, avocados, spinach, parsley, broccoli, potatoes, green peas, brown rice, green asparagus, mushrooms and kale.

Iron: The essential mineral for the immune system

Iron is a mineral and a crucial component of hemoglobin, the central task of which is transporting oxygen in red blood cells. Iron is also necessary for cell formation, immune defense, and muscle function. During sweating, a significant amount of iron is lost, which is why active people have an increased need for iron. Iron deficiency can manifest itself through symptoms such as a decline in performance, lack of drive, or fatigue. Good sources of iron in food include nuts and seeds, millet, quinoa, amaranth, and oats. Nevertheless, it is advisable to occasionally have blood tests to determine individual iron needs or potential deficiencies.

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