After successful payment you receive a confirmation by email within several minutes.
Online payment is managed via Austrian Payment Service Provider mPAY24 GmbH. This internationally certified platform is directly connected to the relevant computer centres. For each payment processing only the data are transmitted which are necessary for verifying the payment procedure. The validity of the data is checked within seconds. We don't have any access to your payment data!
3D Secure
For security reasons, credit card payments must be confi rmed with additional verifi cation. Depending on the credit card, this security standard
(3D Secure), which reduces the risk of card misuse by third parties, can vary. For the cards we accept, these methods are: „Mastercard Secure Code“, „Verifi ed by Visa“, „American Express SafeKey“, „JCB J/Secure“, „Diners Club ProtectBuy“.
If your credit card has not yet been registered for this procedure, please contact your bank.

Bank transfer

For further information about the online payment feel free the contact me!