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A 6-Stage hike from Merano to Lake Garda

Finding Joy in Hiking with Your Dog
Hiker with dog with a panoramic view of the South Tyrolean landscape

Through his outdoor blog UrbanHiker.de, Nick offers tips for both beginners and seasoned hikers on routes, destinations, and outdoor adventures with dogs. His goal is to inspire people to explore the world on foot, from urban environments to rural landscapes, and from low mountain ranges to the Alps. Nick, accompanied by his beloved dog Asta, enjoys exploring long-distance hiking trails and mountainous terrain. Here, he shares his experience of the Eurohike long-distance hiking tour from Merano to Lake Garda with his canine companion. You can read the first part of his Alpine crossing in the travel report on hiking with a dog from Garmisch to Meran.

Hiker with dog with a panoramic view of the South Tyrolean landscape

Over the course of six days, our journey with our canine companions Asta and Sonic led us from the picturesque city of Merano through the varied landscapes of South Tyrol, across the Brenta Dolomites, and into the captivating region of Trentino. Each day presented us with new and unforgettable experiences: from the majestic peaks of the Dolomites to the serene alpine meadows of the Lomason Valley.

We wandered through vibrant forests, where sunlight danced on the paths, and marveled at the mountains' reflections in crystal-clear lakes. This long-distance hike was a blend of nature's wonders and cultural encounters, showcasing the rich history and traditions of Trentino.

#1 From the riverbank to the waterfall

Our hike from Merano to Nalles

What an exhilarating beginning to our hike! We kicked off the day on the bustling Passer promenade in Merano, enveloped by lively activity and the soothing murmur of flowing water. Kathrin, I, and our dogs Asta and Sonic found ourselves momentarily lost amidst the vineyards right from the outset. However, we swiftly regained our bearings, rejoining the Marlinger Waalweg trail by navigating a shortcut through a steep vineyard. Though the ascent through the vineyards was challenging, the picturesque vistas more than compensated for the effort.

As we trekked through Lana, a picturesque village embraced by apple orchards, its charm left us in awe. Upon reaching the trail to the Brandis waterfall, we were greeted by its majestic sight, a surprise that took our breath away. The thunderous roar of the water and the misty spray created a captivating natural spectacle, momentarily transporting us to a world of wonder and serenity.

The ascent to Tisens tested our stamina, yet the breathtaking view of the picturesque village, nestled high above the valley and renowned for its delectable chestnuts, made every step worthwhile. Immersed in a historical ambiance adorned with castles and the ancient church of St. Christoph, we savored the rich cultural heritage. The tranquil descent through the shaded forest to Nalles felt like a meditative journey, offering a serene vista of the Adige Valley that left us in awe.

The first stage of our hike proved to be a fantastic start. This route brought joy to both us and our four-legged companions.

View of Lana
#2 From Nalles to Caldaro

Through forests and vineyards

On the second day of our hike, we immersed ourselves in the beauty of nature and culture. Setting out from Nalles early in the morning, the trail guided us steadily uphill through forests enveloped in an almost magical quietude. As the trees gradually thinned, we were greeted by a breathtaking vista of the majestic Dolomites, whose presence accompanied us at every turn.

The Eppan High Trail guided us along a steep path through serene forests to the historic chalk tower and onwards to Hocheppan Castle. Nestled within ancient walls and offering a breathtaking view, we paused there to rejuvenate. Fueling up with delicious South Tyrolean specialties, we prepared for the challenging castle trail ahead. Our next stop was Boymont Castle, where Asta and Sonic navigated the steep passages with ease, enjoying the adventure just as much as we did.

After conquering the steep sections, the path led us along pleasantly flat trails through the mysterious ice caves. Nature had crafted a true masterpiece here, with rock and ice forming a captivating spectacle that left us in awe. Our final stretch took us through beautiful vineyards, where the vines glistened in the sunshine, casting a warm light over the landscape.

Upon reaching Lake Kaltern, we were transported to another world. Enveloped by the magnificent landscape of nature and culture, the lake provided the perfect conclusion to our day. This route proved to be a feast for the senses, offering a seamless blend of nature, history, and South Tyrolean culture.

#3 Through the Forests of South Tyrol

From the Mendel Pass to Coredo

The morning in Kaltern greeted us with a stunning sunrise, marking the beginning of our third leg. We commenced by taking the bus to the valley station of the Mendel cable car, which transported us to St. Anton. The panoramic views during the ascent were simply picturesque.

From the summit of the pass, our adventure commenced along the Margherite Trail, a path winding like a verdant ribbon through dense forests. Along the way, we encountered idyllic farms and tranquil lakes, nestled like hidden jewels in the landscape. The trail ascended to impressive heights, leading us past a sacred grotto. The breathtaking views into the deep valleys gave the sensation of floating amidst the clouds.

On our way from Cavareno to Don, we crossed high bridges that not only impressed us, but also Asta and Sonic. The afternoon was characterized by a long descent to a rippling river. This led us close to the Santuario San Romedio. Although we were not permitted to enter with our dogs, the view of the impressive sanctuary from the outside was an enriching experience.

Our journey continued to two picturesque lakes above Coredo. The stroll along the riverbank, eventually leading us to Viale dei Sogni, the "dream road," felt truly enchanting. The serene pathway eventually brought us to the charming village of Coredo, which provided the perfect conclusion to this eventful day. Every step along this route was immersed in breathtakingly beautiful scenery.

Sanctuary of San Romedio
#4 Amidst Bear Tracks and Mountain Peaks

The Adventure Stage from Coredo to Lake Molveno

It was a gentle start to an exciting day on stage 4. The hike began by leading us through the charming orchards of Spormaggiore. This tranquil landscape stood in stark contrast to the thrilling Brenta Dolomites Nature Park, which we soon entered. With each step into the park, our sense of discovering an untouched and wild world grew, where bears carve their paths.

The ascent through remote forests to Cavedago and onward to the Altopiano of the Paganella was a blend of challenge and awe. The dense pine forest and the enigmatic karst lake created an almost mystical atmosphere. Asta and Sonic were captivated by the new surroundings, eagerly exploring among the trees.

Upon reaching Andalo, we were presented with a choice: the leisurely path to Lake Molveno or the more adventurous rocky trails. Opting for the rocky paths proved to be an excellent decision. As we arrived at Lake Molveno, we were utterly captivated by the breathtaking beauty of the panoramic views.

This day showcased the diversity and splendor of nature, from serene orchards to rugged mountain landscapes. It was a day filled with unforgettable moments shared with our loyal four-legged companions.

#5 High up in the Brenta Dolomites

An Educational Fifth Stage

On the fifth day of our hike, we ventured deep into the magnificent Brenta Dolomites, an experience that left a lasting impression on both us and our faithful companions Asta and Sonic. Kathrin and I were presented with a choice: a challenging mountain hike or a more leisurely route. Eager to fully immerse ourselves in the beauty of the Dolomites, we opted to take the cable car to the Pradel mountain area.

As the doors of the cable car opened, a world of rock and sky unfolded before us. The rocky path to the Rifugio Croz Altissimo was a true feast for the senses. The vistas of the Dolomite peaks were so awe-inspiring that we found ourselves pausing time and time again to take it all in.

Despite our eagerness for more adventures, we made the decision to return to the cable car, keeping Asta and Sonic in mind. Our snack at the hut served not only as a culinary break but also as a moment of reflection on the responsibility we have towards our four-legged companions.

This stage was not just a trek through one of the most stunning mountain landscapes, but also a lesson in humility and respect for nature. It taught us that sometimes, opting for the safer route is wiser, especially when we are responsible for our faithful companions. It was a day that reminded us of the importance of experiencing the breathtaking beauty of the Dolomites alongside our beloved dogs.

Hiker with dog in the mountains near Comano Terme
#6 From Mountain Idyll to Lake Garda

A Picturesque Conclusion to Our Tour

On the final day of our unforgettable hike from Merano to Lake Garda, one last grand adventure awaited us. We were transported to the starting point in the Lomason Valley, a nature reserve boasting breathtaking scenery and imposing rock faces.

The path led us to Passo Calino, a picturesque crossing that heralded the beauty of Lake Garda. We paused at Rifugio San Pietro to recover from the exertion of the ascent and savor the tranquility of the mountains. The descent to Tenno was a sensory delight. We passed medieval villages, castles, cypress trees, and olive groves, with each step along the steep and rocky path feeling like a journey through history.

Upon arriving in Tenno, we continued our journey through picturesque olive groves and vineyards, exuding the typical Italian charm. Later, in Varone, we visited the impressive Cascate Varone waterfalls, which left us in wonder of their roaring cascade of water.

Wrapping up our adventure, we reached Riva del Garda. Here, we relished a mouthwatering pizza by the shores of Lake Garda, immersing ourselves in the lively Italian ambiance. This day perfectly encapsulated the harmonious fusion of Italy's stunning landscapes and rich cultural heritage, marking a fitting end to our extraordinary hike. It was a moment to pause and reflect, expressing gratitude for the myriad experiences shared with our beloved canine companions on this unforgettable journey.

View of Lake Molveno
Dog in front of a mountain backdrop


Our six-day hike from Merano to Lake Garda with Asta and Sonic transcended mere adventure—it was a shared journey that strengthened the bond between us and our dogs. From the picturesque landscapes of South Tyrol and the Brenta Dolomites to the enchanting Trentino, we savored unforgettable moments at every turn. Each stage, from the awe-inspiring vistas of Lake Garda to the delightful conclusion in Riva del Garda, held its own unique charm.

"This journey not only strengthened our bond as a human-dog team but also deepened our friendship, highlighting the value of shared experiences in nature. The memories of these days, brimming with beauty and shared discoveries, will always accompany us."

Nick, "UrbanHiker"

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