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5 tips to get more hygge in your life

How you can create more happiness, security and cosiness
Mindfulness while hiking in the nature

Have you ever heard of hygge? In recent years, this term has been repeatedly associated with happiness, cosiness, contentment and more comfort in life. Exactly the things we wish for in everyday life. To enjoy a little more time – consciously and without distractions – with family or friends. To have a harmonious home and to lead a life that simply makes us happy. That all sounds wonderful and very simple, doesn't it? But on some days, the hustle and bustle of everyday life gets in the way, and it may not be as hyggelig as you would like.

Especially now, in the winter season, we would like to bring a few cosy hygge moments to you. Maybe there is a tip or two for more hygge in your life that will bring you more relaxation and happiness? We will now share our five tips that are guaranteed to provide more quality of life and small moments of happiness in everyday life.

Mindfulness while hiking in the nature

Hygge – what is it?

“Hygge" originated in the Scandinavian countries, which is not surprising. According to the "World Happiness Report", Norway, Sweden, Finland and Denmark are among the top 10 happiest countries in the world. There is no clear translation for the term "hygge". Nevertheless, the word is associated with numerous positive concepts, such as cosiness, safety, security, contentment, quality of life, comfort and happiness. Feelings we long for all year round and especially in the cold season. Whether hiking in the north, on an individual cycling holiday, during a day at the lake, at a family meal together or comfy at home – hygge can be all of this for you. The important thing is to consciously enjoy the moment and appreciate the little things in life. And that's exactly what you can learn because everyone of us has the prerequisites for hygge. Our tips and concrete examples for more hygge in life should help you find a moment of happiness or two.

Tips to bring more hygge into your life

1.) Light sources, fresh air & nature

Light, no matter what form it takes, is good for a healthy body and mind. With a few candles, you can make your home much cosier, or rather more hygge. Whether by candlelight, a cosy open fire or a campfire – these light sources make for hygge. Even better is to take a walk in the daylight. It doesn't matter whether you are alone, walking with your dog, walking with your family or with friends. The main thing is exercising and fresh air in nature! 

Candlelight for more Hygge feeling

2.) Cosiness for the home

Now it's time to get really cosy! The home is not only a place to live, but rather our own four walls are a place of retreat that should give us the opportunity to relax and decelerate at any time. With a few additions, you can quickly create more cosiness: soft cushions and blankets, a beautiful carpet, harmonious pictures, plants, fragrance lamps and a comfortable couch. And of course the same applies to clothing at home. Wear what you feel like at home and what you feel most comfortable in!

Relaxation at home and experience Hygge

3.) Awareness & Mindfulness

Being consciously in the here and now, focusing on the moment and letting go of all other thoughts. This is precisely a central element of hygge. Mindfulness plays an essential role in this, practiced by many believers around the world in various ways such as meditation. Try it out and take time to finally read that book that has been sitting on your bedside table for so long, watch a movie, paint a picture, bake a cake, enjoy a good cup of tea or attend a concert. You will feel how good this conscious time feels.

Tea for relaxation for more hygge

4.) Gratitude & Humility

In everyday life it is not always easy to be aware of the good things in life and to feel gratitude. In fact, this is exactly what is essential in the daily lives of people in northern countries. Less is more, because modesty makes you happy! Whether it's a nice compliment from a work colleague, laughter with friends, a lovely coffee or a wonderful moment of peace – taking pleasure in the little things in life provides all kinds of happiness, security and well-being!

Time with the family for more Hygge

5.) Good food & social environment

What could be better than eating really well? This is also part of Hygge. Whether it's a cosy dinner with friends, a birthday party with the family or baking a cake together with your loved ones – nothing is better than sharing the pleasure together with friends or family. The important thing is to enjoy this meal completely, consciously, without regrets or a guilty conscience. After all, you have earned it and at the same time ensured even more hygge in your life!

Hygge-feeling while cooking and baking with the family

Our conclusion

More hygge such as cosiness, happiness, contentment and quality of life is what it should be. You can learn a few practical tips from the people in Norway, Sweden, Finland or Denmark. We think this formula for happiness is easy to implement and absolutely suitable for everyday life. And if you want to practise this lifestyle directly with the experts, you can experience it wonderfully on our hiking holiday in Norway, 8 days or during the hiking holiday Österlenleden, 8 days.

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