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Medicinal plants and wild herbs by the hiking path

Discover the local natural pharmacy while hiking
Discover medical plants and herbs while hiking

Did you know that Austria is home to more than 3,000 medicinal plants and wild herbs? These grow partly rather inconspicuously at the edge of the footpaths or on the Alp, as well as on the colourful flowering meadows. Along the flowering hiking paths in numerous hiking destinations in Germany and Austria is a diverse home medicine cabinet with valuable natural treasures and native medicinal plants. It is impressive how many medicinal herbs and medicinal plants grow in our forests, on meadows and along hiking trails. With a little knowledge, you may be able to perceive these silent heroes of nature more consciously on your next hiking holiday and use them.

Learn more about the power of medicinal plants and wild herbs with our little guide to the local natural pharmacy. We tell you what healing power they contain, where they can be found, when they can be collected and how they can be taken. 

Discover medical plants and herbs while hiking

Nature's wild medicinal herbs: for healing, care and enjoyment

Whether as a tincture, ointment, ingredient of a dish or as a tea: native medicinal plants are a valuable natural treasure that can be an important basis or supplement in the home medicine cabinet, in cosmetics and in the kitchen. A broad knowledge of medicinal plants is essential for the safe handling of the natural pharmacy. The prerequisite for self-harvesting and processing is that one is well acquainted with the corresponding medicinal plants and is well informed about their appearance, effect and occurrence.

Collecting the healing treasures of nature adds an aromatic and herbal note to hiking in the beautiful countryside, such as in Germany and Austria. On an individual hiking holiday with Eurohike, it is possible to discover the healing power of nature in a completely relaxed, mindful and conscious way.

Seven native wild herbs and medicinal plants

Discover how delicious, healing and nurturing the local pharmacy can be along the most beautiful hiking paths in Germany and Austria. We present seven of the natural medicinal plants and wild herbs that you may already discover on your next hike.

Stinging nettle

Effect: The leaves have an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, as well as boosting the metabolism and detoxifying. As a tea, the plant promotes hair growth and can counteract chills and cold.

Uses: The fresh nettle leaves can be used in cooking. The leaves, as well as the root, are used as tincture, syrup or tea.

Occurrence: The nettle leaves are mainly found on nitrogen-rich soils and in sunny, as well as somewhat shadier places.

Season: The collection period of the leaves is from March to July.

Medicinal plant nettle


Effect: Calendula is used for skin problems such as dry skin or impurities, as well as for healing wounds. Furthermore, it has an antispasmodic effect, helps with joint pain and is used internally for stomach or intestinal ulcers.

Use: Process calendula as an ointment, tincture, extract or tea.

Occurrence: Calendula grows in sunny or semi-shaded places, with a nutrient-rich soil. 

Season: The collecting season is from June to October.

Medical plant calendula


Effect: Chamomile is a real all-rounder when it comes to healing effects for our body. Thus, the plant is effective against stress, gastrointestinal complaints, diseases in the ear canal or flatulence. Likewise, chamomile supports the healing of wounds.

Uses: The beautiful flower is used as an essential oil, tincture or as a tea in the medicine cabinet.

Occurrence: Chamomile can be found in meadows, hiking trails or fields. 

Season: The collection period of chamomile leaves and buds is from April to May, the flowers are harvested from May to August.

Medical plant chamomile


Effect: Lavender not only smells wonderful, but also has a particularly healing effect on our body - a real panacea for body and soul. Lavender has a calming, balancing and sleep-promoting effect. In addition, the medicinal plant provides relief for gas and inflammation of the gums. Furthermore, lavender in small sachets provides a pleasant scent in the closet and helps against moths.

Uses: As an essential oil, tincture, tea, addition to herbal mixtures, as scented sachets, or in cosmetics.

Occurrence: Lavender originated in the coastal regions of the Mediterranean, such as Greece or Tuscany. Today, the medicinal plant also grows in Austria and Germany, sometimes on dry rocky slopes, or in our home gardens.

Season: The harvest time of lavender is during the flowering period from June to August. It is important to harvest the flowers only on dry days.



Effect: Ribwort is particularly healing for sore throats, insect bites, bleeding or open wounds, and toothaches. 

Uses: Except for the root, all components of this medicinal plant can be used: the leaves of the medicinal plant, as well as the fresh plant juice, which is often processed into cough syrup.

Occurrence: Ribwort plantain grows especially well on dry meadows, roadsides, as well as hiking trails.

Season: The gathering season is from June to October.

Medical plant - English plantain


Effect: The healing effect of this plant has been known for centuries. Arnica provides relief from bruises, sprains, strains or mosquito bites.

Uses: Arnica is used as a tincture. The flowers can also be soaked in hot water, for example, and the liquid used in the form of compresses. 

Occurrence: Arnica prefers to grow in sunny or semi-shaded locations, on acidic meadows, in forests, as well as in more mountainous areas, such as in the Alpine regions.

Season: Arnica blooms from May to August and is harvested from July to August.

Medical plant arnica


Effect: The needle-like medicinal herb not only exudes a wonderful fragrance and reminds us of holidays on the Mediterranean, but rosemary also stimulates blood circulation in the skin, promotes brain performance, makes us fresh and alert and helps against irritable bowel complaints.

Use: Rosemary has an important place in the kitchen. Whether in powder form, fresh or dried, rosemary adds extra flavour to a variety of dishes. Furthermore, rosemary can be used as an oil or as a tea. 

Occurrence: Rosemary is a Mediterranean medicinal plant and originated in the region. Today, the healing herb can also be found in many areas of Europe, as well as in numerous sunny herb gardens. 

Season: The harvest season of rosemary is from May to October.

Medical herb rosemary
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