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Travel story: The impressive Salzkammergut

A trekking adventure in the hiking paradise
Fuschl Castle on Lake Fuschl

In the summer of last year, Andreas from the travel blog jungwandern.de explored our hiking holiday Ten Lakes Trekking, 10 days. Read the travelog with many impressions of the holiday here:

In 10 days at 10 lakes: Right from the start we liked the idea of going hiking for several days at a time. Until then, we only knew the Salzkammergut by name. We did not think twice and immediately said, ‘We’ll do that!’ Although we actually only knew of Lake Wolfgangsee and its famous ‘White Horse’. We then realised relatively quickly that we could also swim in fantastically beautiful lakes every day after the hike. A combination of ‘trekking and beach holiday’: Perfect for hiking in summer!

Fuschl Castle on Lake Fuschl

Romantic hike along the shores of Lake Fuschlsee

The first and the last day of our ten-lake trekking took us to the romantic Lake Fuschlsee – the ideal place for both the start and end of the multi-day hiking holiday. The loop path around the lake is approx. 11km long and serves as a warm-up for the next few days. The mountain scenery reflected in the water leaves amazing impressions. The peak of the 1328m high Mount Schober can be seen from the lake. The ‘Zille’ invites you to take a boat trip on Lake Fuschlsee. In the Fuschlseebad-lido you can swim and then lounge in the sun. At the opposite end of the lake, the natural bathing beach offers another opportunity to unwind.

Romantische Uferwanderung am Fuschlsee

Am ersten und am letzten Tag unseres Zehn-Seen Trekkings ging es an den romantischen Fuschlsee – der ideale Ort sowohl für den Einstieg als auch Ausklang der mehrtägigen Wandertour. Der Rundwanderweg um den See hat eine Länge von ca. 11 km und dient als Warm-up für die nächsten Tage. Die sich im Wasser spiegelnde Berglandschaft hinterlässt imposante Eindrücke. Vom See aus ist die Bergspitze des 1.328 m hohen Schober zu sehen. Die „Zille“ lädt zum Schifffahren auf dem Fuschlsee ein. Im Fuschlseebad darf geschwommen und anschließend in der Sonne gefläzt werden. Am gegenüberliegenden Ende des Sees bietet der Naturbadestrand eine weitere Möglichkeit, die Seele baumeln zu lassen.

Jetty at Lake Fuschl

Diversity on Lake Mondsee

Lake Mondsee and the town with the same name are real highlights of the Ten Lakes Trekking Holiday. Beautiful to look at from the peaks of Mount Schober and Almkogel, Lake Mondsee surprises with its versatility. Several bathing beaches offer the perfect opportunity to cool off after a long hike. Ship and boat trips as well as the rental of SUPs or surfboards are also possible. Numerous small restaurants along the shore provide the perfect feast for the eyes and tastebuds with excellent regional cuisine. The picturesque centre of Mondsee is characterised by the towers of St. Michael’s basilica. The impressive Schlosshotel can look back on more than a thousand years of history.

A cinematic break at Lake Wolfgangsee

Due to the operetta ‘Im Weißen Rössl’ and the multiple film adaptations, it is probably the most famous of all the lakes on this holiday. Where once the singer and actor Peter Alexander became famous as the head waiter ‘Leopold’, tourists can now have their photo taken with his ‘portrait’. Just a few metres away, the Schafbergbahn takes you up the no less renowned Mount Schafberg. It proudly towers at a height of up to 1783m above Lake Wolfgangsee. Up here you can relax after a successful day’s hike with sensational views. Of course, there are also all kinds of water sports available on Lake Wolfgangsee, from ship- and boat trips to bathing beaches.

Fantastic mountain scenery and trails in the Ausseerland

The comparatively rather small Lake Altausseer See has its very own charm. Surrounded by steep rock faces, you almost have the feeling of having arrived in a place cut off from the outside world. A very special experience to swim here in the up to 73m deep Lake Altauseer See. From the town of Altaussee there is also a great half-day hike up to the Blaa-alp. Always accompanied by impressive views of the 1837m high Mount Loser. Marmots greet you here at the Blaa-alp and the typical sweet dish ‘Kaiserschmarrn’ tastes twice as good with the magnificent mountains as a backdrop. If you still have time on your hands, you can reach Mount Loser by cable car. The nearby salt mine is also worth a visit.

View at the Loser mountain

The picturesque World Heritage Site

World-famous social media hotspot, recreated in real size in China – no wonder! It is beautifully situated, Lake Hallstätter See. And the town of Hallstatt with its shore really offers a great photo motif as a reminder of the Ten Lakes Trekking Holiday. Those who stayed at home are bound to become envious. Away from the hustle and bustle, the hardly frequented bathing beach can be used in peace and quiet. Absolutely recommendable when visiting Hallstatt are the ‘Salzwelten Hallstatt’. Here, in an impressive fashion, the visitor is brought closer to the hardship of former salt mining in the up to 4000m deep tunnels. Ready to go down the slides! Speeds of up to 40km/h are reached on the 64m long miners’ slides!

Hallstatt in the Salzkammergut

Conclusion of our hiking holiday with Eurohike

The Ten Lakes Trekking Tour is the perfect mix of hiking and swimming, making it ideal for summer vacations. The routes are excellently described in the Eurohike travel documents. On the basis of the specified routes, we were able to get to know the beautiful Salzkammergut intensively. With a bit of fitness, which you normally bring with you as an experienced hiker, day-long hikes are possible without any problems. At the end of the Ten Lakes Trekking Tour we left the Salzkammergut region with tears in our eyes. And we swore to each other: We will be back!

At the beginning we we not really aware that we could climb several mountain peaks in between such as Mount Almkogel with its sensational view of Lake Mondsee. In addition it is also possible to climb other famous mountain peaks, such as Mount Loser on Lake Altausseer See.

The information about excursions and places for lunch and dinner in the Day Finishes is great. They are described as examples in the Eurohike booklet. Whether Kaiserschmarrn or cold cut-snacks: no problem on the 10-lake trekking tour.

If you start your hike early, other highlights such as the salt mine in Hallstatt can also be visited. We were also lucky at this social media hotspot: bright sunshine and fewer tourists than expected accompanied us for two great days at the world-famous lake.

Conveniently, the booked hotels are almost always within walking distance of the lake. There are public swimming spots at almost every lake. The Eurohike booklet contains many alternative suggestions in case of bad weather.

Reading tip: You can find even more details and other wonderful impressions of the hiking holiday on the travel blog of jungwandern.de.

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