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Autumn recipe: Mushrooms with potato and cucumber salad

A treat for the senses
Autumn is harvest time

They are aromatic, like the moss and good coniferous forest soil. They also enhance every dish with their wonderful taste. We’re talking about porcini mushrooms or chanterelles – basically all types of mushroom.

We have an autumn mushroom dish in store for you: a hearty mushroom polenta with potato and cucumber salad. The perfect dish for every hiker!

Autumn is harvest time

Mushrooms – an aromatic forest find

While some hikers search the forests for wild garlic for their pesto in spring, mushrooms will be hunted diligently from august onwards. True mushroom hunters naturally have their chosen places and know exactly where to find the best porcini mushrooms.

You should keep an eye out on Eurohike hiking tours. Because you might stumble across some delicious mushrooms while walking.

Did you know that a toadstool sighting provides information about a potential porcini find? An old farmer’s tale says that when a red and white mushroom is in sight, the ‘Bußn’, as they are known in Austrian dialect, cannot be far away!

Autumn recipe: Mushroom polenta with a potato and cucumber salad

Recipe for 4 people


  • 1kg porcini mushrooms (other types of mushroom can also be used – a mixture of porcini mushrooms and chanterelles tastes best)
  • Approx. 300g polenta/coarse semolina
  • 2 white onions
  • 3 cloves of garlic (more cloves can be added to taste)
  • Butter or lard
  • Parsley


As a first step, the mushrooms must be cleaned well. Next, they should be blanched. While the mushrooms are boiling in the water, you can chop the onions finely and sauté them in butter or lard. Now take the mushrooms out of the water and add them to the pan with the onions. Note: do not empty the water – you will need it later! Meanwhile, you can preheat the oven to 180 degrees.

When all ingredients are golden brown, add the coarse semolina or polenta. Now slowly add the mushroom water to the pan with a ladle so the semolina or polenta can cook.

When the grain is well swollen, follow the next steps. Place the entire mixture in a tray. Crush the garlic cloves into the mixture. Depending on your preference, you can now fold in a few pieces of butter or lard. Then put it into the oven! Raise the temperature to 200 to 220 degrees Celsius and stir occasionally. This makes the mixture nice and crispy. Butter or lard can be added as needed.

When the mushroom mix is brown and crisp (usually after 45 mins) it can be taken out of the oven. Now all that’s missing is the parsley. The more the better.

Your autumn dish is ready!


For the potato and cucumber salad



  • ½ kg potatoes (waxy)
  • 1 cucumber
  • Garlic
  • Vinegar
  • Rapeseed oil
  • Sugar
  • Salt and pepper

Put the unpeeled potatoes into a saucepan with water and cook until they are soft. Then chill in cold water, peel and cut into slices one or two centimetres thick. Wash the cucumber, cut into thin slices and add to the potatoes. Peel the garlic cloves and crush into the remaining ingredients. Next comes the marinade: mix the vinegar, oil, salt, pepper and sugar with a dash of water and pour over the salad. Mix everything well and let it steep. Season to taste.

Tip: Put the salad directly onto the plate with the mushrooms. Then all the flavours can release their aromas. Bon Appetite!

zwei Zentimeter dicke Scheiben schneiden. Gurke waschen, in dünne Scheiben schneiden und zu den Erdäpfeln geben. Je nach Belieben Knoblauchzehen schälen und mit einer Presse zu den restlichen Zutaten geben. Nun steht die Marinade auf dem Programm: Essig, Öl, Salz, Pfeffer und Zucker sowie einen Schuss Wasser vermengen und über den Salat gießen. Alles gut durchmischen und ziehen lassen. Abschmecken und bei Bedarf nachwürzen.

Tipp: Geben Sie den Salat direkt zum Schwammerlsterz auf den Teller. Dann entfalten alle Geschmackskomponenten ihr Aroma am besten. Guten Appetit!

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