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FAQs: All about booking

All questions and answers about booking your individual hiking trip.
Hikers at Lake Gosau

Find all the answers to the most important questions about booking your individual hiking tours here. If your question remains unanswered, contact us. We will be happy to here from you.

Hikers at Lake Gosau

Who do I contact with questions?

We would like to tell you more about our hiking trips, and can explain the process and much more personally. Contact us: call us – we can also call you back. Or simply send us an email.

We are delighted you are interested in our tours and are happy to help and advise you on tour travel planning.

How do I send my booking?

On our website: you are very welcome to submit your booking quickly and easily via our website. So we have all the required information for the desired hiking trip and can process your booking as quickly as possible.

Registration form from our catalogue: otherwise, you can also use our registration form, which is located at the back of the hiking catalogue – fax it or send us it by post.

By e-mail or telephone: please contact us by e-mail to office@eurohike.at or by phone on +43 6219 7444 161. We are happy to answer all of your questions.

Please note our travel conditions.

Hiking trails through Madeiras vast vegetation

What happens during the booking process?

We will gladly check availability as soon as possible after receiving your binding booking request. As we always book our partner hotels on request, we cannot confirm a booking in advance. In most cases processing takes about 2 days. After that, in the best case we will send you a booking confirmation, otherwise, we will inform you about the current status of your booking.

The registration becomes binding as soon as you have received our booking confirmation. We will send you this by e-mail or by post on request. Together with our confirmation, you will also receive the invoice for your hiking trip and all the necessary information on the arrival times and final payment.

Hiker in Tenerifa

When do I receive my travel documents?

For most of our hiking trips, you will receive part of the travel documents by post about one month before the start of your trip, provided we have received your deposit. Then you can already start planning and looking forward to your holiday. You will receive the remaining documents on site at the briefing, or they will be ready in your hotel on arrival.

The documents vary from trip to trip, but always contain all the information material about the hikes, booked hotels and much more…

Hiking in Serralunga d'Alba

Perfectly organised hiking holidays with Eurohike

We ensure smooth organisation and planning of your hiking holiday, book your hotels and ensure punctual luggage transport. Well-chosen routes lead you easily to your daily destination and leave enough time to get to know the culture, culinary delights and people of your destination. Our tour specialists look forward to answering your questions. Find our more in the next FAQs blog post about our accommodation, route descriptions and further details on the course of our hiking tours!

Breathtaking views of the mysterious Tramuntana mountains


We are looking forward to helping you with your holiday planning!

You now receive special conditions when you book a trip.