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The power places of our Eurohike team

Where we replenish our energy reserves and take a deep breath
Helenes place of power - the beautiful lake Mondsee

A place where you can be yourself, find peace and recharge your batteries. A piece of earth where you can really breathe deeply and slow down, where you can unwind. Perhaps you have such a personal happy place? No matter the time of year and what life situation you find yourself in, it is sometimes good to visit this place to collect your thoughts and regain new strength for daily life. Even a short break daily can have a big impact and help you quickly get your focus back in the right direction.

Our Eurohike team also uses special places to have a brief moment of happiness, to relax and take a deep breath so they can start everyday life again motivated and healthy. Are you curious about what these places are and what makes them so special? Whether in the mountains, the forest, by the lake or right at home – today we will tell you more about the power places of our Eurohike team.

Helenes place of power - the beautiful lake Mondsee

Julias power place at the top of the Sparber mountain

It’s well known that a power place has a magical effect on us in some way. My personal power place, which enchants me again and again, lies far above the beautiful Salzkammergut. It is the summit of the Sparber at 1,502 metres, a small mountain in the middle of the Osterhorn group. I often visit this place in autumn to recharge my batteries. Because at this time of year the peak is very often above the clouds. The special thing about it is that it is incredibly quiet above the cloud cover – the mist does not let any noise up from the valley. So you can sit in silence and enjoy the view over the endless sea of clouds.

Julias power place at the top of the Sparber

Idyll pure: Katharinas power place in her garden

Here, where it is particularly calm and idyllic, in the middle of our garden and in front of a small hut is an old bench. It has been there since I can remember and is a piece of my childhood. This piece of earth is a unique place for me, where I feel a special kind of harmony and tranquillity and a place that evokes wonderful memories. When I need a short escape from daily life, I am drawn to this place, whether for reading, a lunch break in the fresh air or simply to switch off and listen to the birds singing – here I always feel completely relaxed. When the sun is shining, you can relax particularly well in my personal power place – if I’m not quick enough, the bench is sometimes already occupied. But by whom? From a little world champion of relaxation, my cat Felix, because he really knows how to relax.

Katharinas place of energy in front of the garden hut

The Mondsee: Helenes time-out and source of energy

In the beautiful Salzkammergut in Austria you will find more than 200 places of happiness and strength that have been offering people a place to relax, pause and recharge for decades, even centuries. This region is also home to my personal power place and ensures lots of moments of happiness in daily life – the beautiful area around the Mondsee. The unique natural landscape with mountains and clear water are home to me – and a place where I completely let go and relax. From home I have a wonderful view of the entire Mondsee, and it is only a few minutes’ walk to the lake. A wonderful place where I like to meet friends to chat or to refresh myself in the water in the morning or evening after work or hike around the lake. Often just a quiet moment at my place of happiness, during which I look at the lake and enjoy the view, is enough to settle my thoughts and allow me to focus again on the essentials. My tip: Experience the beautiful Mondsee as a stage stop on our hiking holiday Ten Lakes Trekking Tour.

Helenes energy place at lake Mondsee in the Salzkammergut

High at the top: Madlenes source of energy at the Vormauerstein

My personal power place – the Vormauerstein – is located high above St. Wolfgang in the beautiful Salzkammergut. In this place you can experience nature and the wonderful landscape to the fullest, in every season. So not only can I visit this place in spring, summer or autumn, I can also enjoy the tranquillity in winter and recharge my batteries for daily life. The hike along the ‘Zwergerlweg’ through the forest and up to the Vormauerstein is a special highlight. You will be accompanied by the beautiful views of the Wolfgangsee. When you arrive at the summit, you will be rewarded with a fantastic panoramic view of the Wolfgangsee region, the magnificent Schafberg and St. Wolfgang. In these moments I always remember the great time when St. Wolfgang was my second home and I went to school there. With lots of wonderful memories in my backpack, I head back down into the valley and already look forward to the next hike to my place of strength on the Vormauerstein.

Madlenes energy source - her power place at the Vormauerstein
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