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10 tips for a hiking holiday with a dog

Recommendations for a successful active experience for you and your dog.
Hiking break while walking with your dog in Pinzgau mountains

Do you want to take your beloved four-legged friend with you on a hike? Our Eurohike travel specialists have 10 tips for you covering planning, equipment, accommodation and the programme. Like this your hiking holiday with a dog in Germany, Austria or Italy is guaranteed to be a success!

Read more now and enjoy a hike with your dog across Europe!

Hiking break while walking with your dog in Pinzgau mountains

10 tips for hiking with a dog at a glance

Are you planning a hike with your dog and looking for some tips and recommendations for a successful hiking holiday for both you and your four-legged companion? Our team of hiking experts at Eurohike will give you the most useful tips on how hiking with a dog can be an unforgettable experience for both dogs and owners – across Europe. And the best part? On our active tours you always hike without luggage and enjoy a perfectly organised hiking holiday with luggage transfer.

Tip 1: Go on a hiking holiday with your dog with good planning and organisation

When choosing your tour and hiking holiday with your dog, it is advisable to make sure in advance that …

  • The selected hiking route is adapted to the individual needs and energy level of your dog.
  • There are enough places to drink and swim along the way. Especially in the warm summer months, it is important to adapt the route to the temperatures. Our tip – the seven-second test: put your palm on the asphalt or ground. If you can’t hold it there for seven seconds, the ground is too hot for your dog’s paws. With an outside temperature of only 25 degrees, the ground can heat up to 52 degrees. Please make sure that the route also includes shaded sections, otherwise it could be too hot for your four-legged friend.
Dog in front of mountain panorama

Tip 2: Mum and dad are the ‘pack leaders’

It is important that your dog obeys your commands, especially when other animals are around. Often herds of sheep, cows or wild animals can be found in alpine pastures. In addition, there’s a good chance you will meet other dogs along the way. The best thing is to review the important commands with your dog before the tour, so they understand your every word.

Tip 3: Have the right equipment ready

The right equipment is essential not only for people, but also for dogs. Did you know that a lead is compulsory in many countries? A harness or jogging lead is ideal for sporting activities.

Very important: Pack plenty of water for your four-legged companion!

Tip 4: Safe and stress-free on public transport

Some hiking routes can be reached by bus, train or gondola. Usually in such vehicles not only is a lead compulsory, but also a muzzle. We therefore recommend you pack a muzzle in your backpack. Try to make these situations as stress-free as possible for your dog

Tip 5: Overnight with your dog

If you are planning to spend the night in a hut with your four-legged friend, it is advisable to find out about the following points in advance:

  • Are dogs welcome?
  • Does your dog need to be registered in advance?

It is also best to pack a bowl, toys and a blanket so your dog feels at home. On our Eurohike hiking holidays with a dog, all selected hotels and accommodation are guaranteed to be paw-friendly.

Tip 6: Individual hiking & route adaptation

It’s not only we humans, but animals too have varied levels of fitness. You know your dog best. Just ask yourself: what can I expect them to do? And don’t overwhelm them with a route that’s far too demanding.

Tip 7: Plan plenty of breaks

We advise giving your dog enough breaks, especially when it is very hot. When overworked, neither humans nor animals can concentrate and the risk of injury increases.

Tip 8: Have a first aid kit handy

To be on the safe side, pack an elastic bandage and a first aid kit. If your four-legged friend gets injured, it will be of great help. And it works well on dog’s fur. Of course, no one wants an emergency to occur, but it’s better to be safe than sorry. Especially when hiking in the mountains, where there is no pharmacy in sight, you should follow this tip.

Tip 9: Be respectful of nature and its inhabitants

This tip is a matter of course for most hikers anyway. For the sake of the landscape and other hikers, take a poop-bag with you. If your companion has to go about their business, the hiking route should remain clean.


Tip 10: Simply enjoy your holiday

If you follow tips one to nine, nothing stands in the way for a successful holiday with your animal companion. So our tenth tip: Just enjoy your holiday, switch off and take a deep breath.

Have you got a taste for it? The Eurohike team has put together even more information about the special hiking tours with your dog.

Hiking with your dog in Saalbach at the Kohlmais summit
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