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Another climatic zone: what you should pay attention to when hiking in the high mountains

Helpful tips for mountain tours and hikes
Gorgeous Blüemlisalp in the Bernese Alps

Whether hiking in Austria, Scandanavia, Portugal or another region. None are the same. Especially not when it comes to climate. Eurohike tip: Before you start the hike, make sure you know the climate zone of your travel destination! In the temperate zone? The cold zone? And most importantly: research how many metres above sea level the mountain sits.

If you are aware of the difference in temperature between the summit and the valley before the hike, then you have a clear advantage when you start your mountain tour. Why? All this valuable information will help you to choose the right clothing. The climate can also be critical when it comes to calculating the expected hike duration, desired altitude and personal fitness. Accordingly, the motto is: research and inform yourself!

Have we piqued your curiosity? The Eurohike team will tell you in detail what to look out for when hiking in mountain climates!

Gorgeous Blüemlisalp in the Bernese Alps

Mountain climate, weather forecast etc.

First and foremost, a short trip into the basic understanding of the weather in the Alpine region. Due to the large temperature differences between mountain and valley, there is usually a very cold climate in the Alps. Mountain hikers must expect to find remains of snow and snowfields well into the summer. Not only at 3,000 metres altitude, but also often in areas under 2,000 metres.

Watch the forecast! Since the weather in the Alps can be unstable, for every mountain tour, the weather forecast should be studied in advance. Also take a look at the weather conditions for the previous days so you can estimate the condition of the path.

Need more? In the Eurohike hiking blog you can learn how to read mountain weather correctly!

Clothing and equipment

Weather can change quickly, especially in the mountains. That’s why choosing the right clothes and equipment is the key to any hike. Eurohike tip: Follow the onion principle! The advantage is that you can easily take off, or put on an extra layer in all weather conditions. The different layers also serve to absorb sweat as best as possible to protect you against the cold. Important: the base layer should be tight. So sweat is absorbed and cold is avoided.

Surprise cold front, light rain or a thunderstorm? Be prepared and pack your mountain backpack for every weather condition!

Allgäu alpine crossing at Nebelhorn in Oberstdorf with hiker and green backpack

Mountain tour must-haves

  • Suitable footwear
  • Maps
  • Water repellent jacket
  • Hats/gloves
  • First aid kit
  • Food (eg a chocolate bar)
  • Enough drinking water
  • Valid documents (passport, ID card, money, credit card etc)


Find out more about the perfect hiking equipment here.

Eurohike backpack in the high alps

Physical fitness

The season for tours in high altitudes is approaching! This much is clear: preparation is key for every hike. For both beginners and veterans. Not feeling fit enough for your next high-altitude hike? Then start with a training plan aimed specifically at hiking at altitude. The nuts and bolts of preparation is to start small and increase slowly. You’ll see progress in no time, promise!

Good to know: your physical fitness not only supports you in changing climatic conditions, but also in tours in high mountains with lower oxygen content.

Beautiful view at the Lake Oeschinen

Tours in comparison

Eurohike has tours for every type of hiker in the repertoire. Mountain tours that differ not only in nature, duration and length, but also in terms of climate. While you encounter cold temperatures in the Alpine landscapes, the climate in other regions such as Italy, Spain and Portugal is much warmer.

Can’t decide? The Eurohike hiking blog reveals the charm of any landscape, whether coastal or mountain hiking.

Hiker on stony hiking trails in the middle of the mountains
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