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Claudia in Mallorca

Hola maravilloso Isla Mallorca!
Hikers in front of the blue bay in Alcudia

I’ve been working for Eurofun Touristik for over 20 years now and got to know so many cycle tours – so it was definitely time to take a hiking tour! The destination was decided quickly: super flight connections from Salzburg and beautiful late summer temperatures, GR 221 Mallorca – Trans Tramuntana here we come!

I take along my dear friend Monika, an enthusiastic hiker but she always organises her own trips. I want to show her how wonderful an organised hiking trip from Eurohike can be! Our local station manager Riccardo is already waiting to take us to our starting point of Alcùdia in the northeast of the island – what a nice welcome. As soon as we start driving we get the most important information about the trip, everything is perfectly organised!

Hikers in front of the blue bay in Alcudia

Coastal walk on the peninsula Alcùdia

We are picked up right on time at 9am from the hotel. We buy snacks and drinks from the small shop next door. This is important, because, as mentioned in the travel documents, in Mallorca there are usually no shops or rest stops on the route.

We are really happy about the luggage service, because we would have had to take all our luggage in our backpacks, and this would be pretty heavy alongside our water bottles and snacks!

First, the gravel road gently leads uphill through a pine forest. Soon we reach the top and walk along the coastline on well laid out serpentine paths around the peninsula. The mood is just great and very special: dark clouds pass by, a pleasant sea breeze blows around our ears, in between the sun fights back through, and then, as we walk around the corner, another panoramic view - just fantastic!

Infinite panoramic views

We also walk through a kind of canyon and once more meet a beautiful vantage point. We take a leisurely break under a tree, enjoying the shade from the now intense sun.

After a short climb we see Alcúdia and oh no, also some mighty storm clouds. We high tail it down the mountain! Thankfully we make it down to the valley before the rain really hits us. But it doesn’t matter, we are very happy to cool off. In the rain, we march in good spirits the last few miles to our hotel.

We barely settled into the small bay of the Hotel President as the clouds start to clear. We quickly unpack our swimwear and dip into the warm sea – wonderful! We lie on the beach and bask in the warm sunshine. A small drink at the cozy bar was deserved after this hike.

The four star Hotel President sits just outside Alcúdia and both the rooms and food are really good. We especially like the location in a wonderful little bay. We are really glad we aren’t staying in the crowded tourist centres in the bay of Alcúdia!

Boats in Alcudia harbour

From the Cuber reservoir…

Today a friendly employee from Eurohike picks us up from the hotel and drives us an hour north, right into the Tramuntana mountains to the Cuber reservoir. Even the drive there is spectacular. Now we are in the middle of the mountains, how versatile this country is, we are thrilled!

From the car park at the Cuber reservoir, the path leads gently up to the Passe de l’Ofre. We enjoy the magnificent panoramic view back to the Cuber Reservoir and the peaks of the Tramuntana mountains and continue on the popular trail through the gorge of Biniaraix, one of the most beautiful landscapes of the Tramuntana mountains. Many hikers are on the path, from all over the world, you can see that Mallorca has already become a very popular hiking destination in Europe!

- to Sóller

You just have to stop and rest in the small café in the idyllic village of Biniaraix. The region offers wonderful delicacies.

But now on to Sóller, the pool in our wonderful finca is already calling to us! It had not promised too much. We were warmly welcomed to the finca, which is located just outside Sóller, completely quiet and with a magnificent view of the Tramuntana mountains.

We are tired after our tour, can feel the pain in our calves and enjoy some time by the pool with coffee and a delicious piece of almond cake. In the evening, the chef spoils us with an exquisite menu. With a good glass of white wine we end the day on our private terrace outside our room.

Coastal path from Deia to Sóller

The smell of freshly baked bread wafting from the kitchen hits our nostrils, informing us that breakfast is served. Freshly squeezed orange juice, yoghurt with fruit, ham and cheese, all beautifully presented on a cake stand, what a treat!

Riccardo picks us up alongside other Eurohike guests and takes us to the nearby town of Deia. Wow, what a spectacular view of the cliffs, just beautiful! On the ride, Riccardo tells us a bit about the country and its people, almost as if we’re on a guided tour, very informative!

In Deia, we start by the sea. We would like to jump straight in; so inviting is the enchanting bay with its crystal clear turquoise water. Today there are two options: we decided to take the coastal path due to the beautiful weather and are rewarded with fantastic views. Before we leave the coastal path, we jump into the wonderful sea!

In Sóller, we indulge in a good cappuccino and taste the excellent orange ice cream, which comes highly recommended. Then we travel back to Palma on a vintage train. Unfortunately, today is the last evening of our trip. The wanderlust has really taken hold of us - we could easily enjoy a few more days! Eurohike is right: such a trip over 6 or 7 days is really the ideal duration for a hiking tour!

In our booked hotel Mirador we enjoy the beautiful view of the harbour from our room. The centre of this lively and well worth seeing city is just a few minutes away.

Nice hiking greetings Yours Claudia

Claudia Wallner

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